Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unique revenue streams in Emergistan

It's evident that America's emergency departments need some relief.  Perhaps the best 'relief' would come in financial support to increase the physical dimensions of the departments, as well as increasing staff, both nurse and physician.  But how to do it?  I have some thoughts.

Narcotics being one of the more cherished currencies of Emergistan, I submit that video poker machines with payouts in Hydrocodone or Oxycodone would be very effective at generating revenue.  The could also pay out in work excuses.  Or, for the big spenders, like the 'Million Dollar Slot' in Vegas, there could be machine now and then that pays out in the greatest gift of all:  complete disability.

If you think folks wouldn't plug their money into those machines, you haven't spent enough time in the ER.  They'd pass up Big Macs, Bath Salts and Crystal Meth for a shot at that golden ring!

Yes, I know, laws, rules, taxes, illegal, etc.  Blah, blah, blah!  A great idea is a great idea, no?

Any thoughts of your own? 

Edwin, Ambassador to Emergistan

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